1. Teriyakimmm.com
Simply the best the net has to and ever will offer to discerning viewers.
Rating. 100
2. Shockwave.com
Heaps of stuff to view using Flash, Shackwave player and other Macromedia profucts where you can download at the website. You can watch South Park cartoons, or listen to your favorite radio stations. Even watch soon to be released movie traylers.
Rating. 76
3. MSN.com
Yes it is from microsoft, but there is seriously heaps of really good and useful stuff here, from Hotmail to all the latest free downloads MSN is the best site to get updated. And being MSN they have millions of online partners which can actually expand your enjoyment on the net. Oh yeah, and because it is MSN, you don't have to worry about any viruses when you download programs and stuff.
Rating. 72
4. Tetrinet.org
Tetris with extra twists and bits, all over a friendly game with your pals or complete strangers while you surf. What a great and addictive concept this has been. Tetrinet.org now however, have sadly stopped allowing downloading of the Tetrinet game, but they still provide a server to host the games on. If you wish to obtain a version of the game, then pls contact us at [email protected] and we will either email you the program ( about 500k ) or send it over ICQ. Whichever method you feel more comfortable with.
Rating. 71
5. ESPN.com
Being a total sports buff, i just love this site. It really kicks ass when you want to get informed, play fantasy games or get the latest and best columns about your favorite sports. You name it ESPN.com has it, every mainstream sport is covered here and with their wide array of partners sites, they can offer you even greater viewing pleasure.
Rating. 70
6. The Spark.com
The spark.com has several very funny and nifty services. Great for a quick visit. First is the personality test, it tells you what you are most likely to become and what type of personality you have. The twist comes in when they allow you to view all your friend's personality and all their friend's as well. Makes for lots of laughs. Second is the Cupid service. Where you name the email address of the person you would like to get together with, and then the Spark.com will forward the email to that person, but they do not know who it is. They must write down all the people they want to go out with, and if one name happens to be their secret admirer then both sides are notified. Very amusing.
Rating. 68
7. Popmusic2000.com
Has the newest and best selection of Chinese, Japanese and English songs on the web. All th listen to in real audio. But you say that MP3s are better? Don't fret, there is also a nice program downloadable on the site that will automatically translate your downloaded real audio songs into MP3 songs. Wow now that is cool.
Rating. 65
8. NBA.com
Obviously the official site of the NBA, it offers everything you need to know about basketball nad more, it really is quite good for basketball fanatics such as myself. Worth a visit.
Rating. 63
9. Boxup.com
If downloading into real audio format and then changing into MP3 format is too much of a hassle for you. Then check out this strictly Chinese and English MP3 download site. Based in the US, it has many mirror sites around the world, we suggest the HK site as it reduces download time considerably. This site has an extensive library of Chinese songs and download time is very reasonable at about 5 to 7 minutes on a 56k connection for a normal 4Meg song. Highly recommended.
Rating. 62
10. ZDnet.com.au
This has all the downloads and net news that you would ever want in one site. Downloads are numerous but easily serchable throught the site's easy search system. Furthermore, they have all the latest tech news and rumours. Any computer nerd must be drooling at the thought of this site. To finish it all off, its in Australia, so for those Aussie residents it means, yes super fast downloads.
Rating. 60
Finally, the much anticipated update to Internet Explorer 5 has arrived in the form of IE5.5. This new version of IE has several important improvements over its predecessor ; it now has a much improved HTML editing facility which rivals Netscape's HTML editor, it also boasts better printing options than previous versions and faster surfing connections on most sites. If you have the patients to wait for the
18 MB and 1.30hr download time on a normal 56k connection, then this is definitely the program for you. If not you don't know what you are missing out on.
Rating. 85
Do you love the Shockwave products, such as flash player? Then this latest version of the video and audio player from the good people at shockwave.com allows even more enjoyment from your favorite shows and music. Personally, I love to watch online shows such as South Park and the Simpsons. Shockmachine 2.0 also comes with video styled buttons and interface. That means it looks pretty damn cool as well as being really useful. Download now!
Rating. 82
Napster is dead! Sigh! But wait, Scour Exchange is the illegitimate child of Napster. It allows us to track down and share Mp3 files just like Napster did, but it also allows people to download and share video, digital images and photos too! Scour exchange has
been really popular since Napster's doom, and we know what popularity brings to a program like this. More downloads! So get this program now and put all your post Napster blues behind you.
Rating. 76
Did everyone enjoy the advantages that the original Download accelerator plus brought to our download lives? ( I have had 300k per sec downloads, unheard of on a 56k connection ) The original brought us the multi mirror search function for the fastest download site, it also let you download from 4 different locations at the same time. Not to mention the resume function. Well Download accelerator 4.0 brings even more to the table. Now it has an always resume function, this allows any file to be resumed even if they are not resume supported. Also now there is a download scheduler and also the option to download from as many as eight different sites simultaneously.
Rating. 75
Are you tired of the look of your current desktop? Widows blinds fixes that by changing the complete look of your operating system. From the system tray to the folders, Window Blinds gives the old Win 95/98 desktop a much needed face lift. You can download hundreds of skins or even make your own in minutes. Really fun and refreshing to look at.
Rating. 75
This latest installment of Sonique is a big upgrade from the previous version. It has better sound quality and an easier interface. But most important, it fixes all the bugs in the previous version of Sonique. At only about 2 MB of downloads, this is a must.
Rating. 75
Finally there is a challenger to Real Player 8 for the streaming video crown. Windows Media Player 7 is good. Really good. And as a pure media player its probably just as good, if not better than Real Player 8. There have been some bugs reported though but this is still the time to download.
Rating. 70
Winamp is the best MP3 player on the market. The only reason it is below in the standings than Sonique is strictly because it is an older product and a lot of people might already have downloaded it already. Winamp has thousands of skins, and heaps of plug-ins from CD burning and ripping technology to streaming audio capabilities. With Winamp 2.64, you also get 100 MB online drive to store all your MP3s.
Rating. 70
To tell you the truth, this is probably better to use than ICQ 2000. (Has too many bugs ) But because of ICQ's popularity, MSN messenger has been ignored by the mainstream public. It offers all that ICQ offers and much more, like conference chat, SMS MSG and more. If you can convince several friends to all download it together, then it will definitely be worth your while to get this good product.
Rating. 70
Fun, fun, fun, addictive, addictive, addictive. Get this now.
Rating. 70