Sept. 06, 2000 
Today was a perfect day. I went through my usual routine that I religiously go through everyday. First thing in the morning, I wake at 4:00am. It is a habit that I wake at this time everyday so that I can gaze into my home made Hubbell Telescope created from my grandfather's reading glasses and a giant Kaleidoscope I purchased at this year's
Royal Easter Show. The stars were especially alive today. I was very excited and did what I do usually when I get excited, that's wet myself. Luckily I had my collection of spare undergarments close at hand and placed a fresh pair of Y fronts onto myself with a healthy helping of talcum powder strategically sprayed in those hard to reach
places. The need for the talcum powder arises from previous incidents where some sort of rash broke out in my crutch area which was very discomforting.
I then proceeded to get dressed in my favorite set of Haynes tracksuit and a red and blue checkered flannelette shirt. Then breakfast was served by my mother, it was a scrumptious meal. I was full and ready to tackle the day ahead. Catching the train into University has always been a joy for myself. I see many other people, many are from
my University. When I'm lucky occasionally, they might even say hello to me. Catching the Bus is a completely different story altogether. Due to my feeble frame and low mass, you see I'm only 5 ft 2inches and weigh 42 Kg. Today like any other day on the bus, I was bustled and pushed around by bigger and stronger people. Loosing my
glasses in the process, but I was ready and had several pairs in backup. Only if I started University later, I thought to myself. I have a timetable of 8:00am to 7:00pm everyday from Monday to Friday. That's what you expect when you undertake a challenging and demanding course such as Biomedical Mechanical Sheep Husbandry Engineering.
At Uni I proceeded to attend all my lectures, I was especially proud of myself because I broke a new record in note taking. I wrote 72 A4 double sided pages in notes. Upon returning home, I immediately broke the good news to my parents. Oh how proud they were of me. As a reward, I was allowed to stay up late and watch TV. I have only ever
stayed up until 8:00pm twice before. What a perfect day! Well I am very sleepy now, good night dear Chronicles of Ho, I will write again soon. Back to top.