NBA All Mike
Team 2000.
By George Wang.
With the recent retirement of Michael Jordan from the league. The NBA has been looking for a new player to take them to the heights once scaled by number 23. People say Kobe, or Vince, but one thing is for sure, its definately not these guys below. They represent the bottom tier of the league. The very bottom tier. From draft pick busts to CBA players masquerading as NBA stars, all the other mikes are here in the NBA and they are here to stay. The all mike team 2000 exposes these players lack of skill and ability, with a indepth profile on each player. So for the first time, Teriyakimmm.com has exposed these players for what they really are. Just a bunch of Jordan wannabes.
" Hey guys, just hold on one damn second! What do you mean by all Mike team? I was thinking more on the lines of myself, Shaq, Malone, Pippen and so forth. But these chumps?" What have I done to you guys to
deserve this type of ill-treatment? I mean to put the likes of Olowocandi, Reggie Jordan and Doleac? I will tell you one thing, you guys and Teriyakimmm.com have picked on the wrong guy this time. I'll show you!
.............. Oh you mean that you are making fun of these chumps? Haha, thats much better then, I was really scared for a moment as I thought your readers might actually take this article to heart and believe that I play like Michael Curry. Only because Teriyakimmm.com is so influential and popular. "